Ahtna Language Lessons
Elder Lena Charley
and her granddaughter Jessica Denny
Elder Lena Charley
and her granddaughter Jessica Denny
Elder Lena Charley and her granddaughter Jessica Denny demonstrate how to say different phrases in Ahtna.
See also: Ahtna Language Lessons E-Books

Basic Phrases

Gaann du’…
This is…

I have…

… ts’e’ ghesyaaÅ‚
I’m walking to…

I see…

Basic Phrases
Dzaen kulaen
Good day
Nts’e dit’ae?
How are you doing?
I’m tired
Luk’ae sdestkaan
I want fish
Taas sdestlaan
I want soup
Ts’eÅ‚k’ey, nadaeggi, taaggi
One, two, three
Go to…
Gaann du’…
This is…
I have…
… ts’e’ ghesyaaÅ‚
I’m walking to…
I see…
Gaann du’…
This is…
Gaann du’ snaan
This is my mother
Gaann du’ sta’
This is my father
Gaann du’ sc’engaay
This is my baby
This is my head
Gaann du’ stse’
Gaann du’ sigha’
This is my hair
Gaann du’ sggann’
This is my arm
Gaann du’ ske’
This is my foot
Gaann du’ skaa
This is a spoon
Gaann du’ ts’aac
This is a plate
Gaann du’ tutiiÅ‚
This is a cup
Go to…
Basic Phrases
I have…
… ts’e’ ghesyaaÅ‚
I’m walking to…
I see…
I have…
Tel zełaa
I have socks
Kentsiis zełaa
I have slippers
Gets’ zeÅ‚aa
I have mittens
Go to…
Basic Phrases
Gaann du’…
This is…
… ts’e’ ghesyaaÅ‚
I’m walking to…
I see…
…ts’e’ ghesyaaÅ‚
I’m walking to…
C’utkaet ts’e’ ghesyaaÅ‚
I’m walking to the store
Dohdeldiix ts’e’ ghesyaaÅ‚
I’m walking to school
Men ts’e’ ghesyaaÅ‚
I’m walking to the lake
Go to…
Basic Phrases
Gaann du’…
This is…
I have…
I see…
I see…
Tsa’ nghaÅ‚’aen
I see a beaver
Udzih nghaÅ‚’aen
I see a caribou
Deniigi nghaÅ‚’aen
I see a moose
Debae unaa nghaÅ‚’aen
I see a ewe
Debae ggaay nghaÅ‚’aen
I see a lamb
Xoxaey nghaÅ‚’aen
I see a marmot
Xoxaey ts’es k’et dazdaa nghaÅ‚’aen
I see a marmot sitting on a rock
Go to…
Basic Phrases
Gaann du’…
This is…
I have…
… ts’e’ ghesyaaÅ‚
I’m walking to…






Tsa’ tuu yii kuÅ‚’aan
The beaver lives in the water
Tsa’ ughu’ ce’e
The beaver has big teeth
Tsa’ ughu’ deyaen
The beaver has sharp teeth
Tsa’ t’aghes yaan
The beaver eats cottonwood
Tsa’ k’ey’ yaan
The beaver eats willow
Tsa’ k’es yaan
The beaver eats alder
Nuuni ts’aka ta zda
The porcupine stays in the woods
Nuuni ts’ebael yaan
The porcupine eats spruce
Nuuni k’ey’ yaan
The porcupine eats willow
Nuuni uc’oxe’ c’liaen
The porcupine has quills
Nuuni uc’oxe’ deÅ‚yaen
The porcupine has sharp quills
Mountain goat
Sebae ugha’ diÅ‚naes
The mountain goat has long hair
 Sebae ude’ggaay c’ilaen
The mountain goat has small horns
Debae tl’ogh deyaan
The sheep eats grass
Debae dzeÅ‚ ta delts’ii
The sheep lives in the mountains
Debae dzeÅ‚ t’aann’ deyaan
The sheep eats mountain plants
Debae dzeÅ‚ k’et natedaas
The sheep is walking around on the mountain
Debae ude’ nesdes
The sheep’s horn is twisted
Debae ugha’ lggey
The sheep’s hair is white
Ts’eÅ‚k’ey taggos men yii natebaes
One swan swimming on the lake
Taggos uk’os ts’aeggi c’ilaen
The swan has a thin neck
Udzih ude’ ce’e c’ilaen
The caribou has big horns
Udzih nin’ deyaan
The caribou eats moss
Udzih tl’ogh deyaan
The caribou eats grass
Udzih dzeÅ‚ k’et natel’as
The caribou are walking around on the mountain
Udzih tes k’et natel’as
The caribou are walking around on a hill

Basic Phrases

Gaann du’…
This is…

I have…

… ts’e’ ghesyaaÅ‚
I’m walking to…

I see…
