Our Services
CTC offers tribal programs designed to enhance the quality of life, to promote economic opportunity, and to carry out the responsibility to protect and improve the trust assets of our tribal members.
Tribal Operations
The tribal offices administer and provide operational support for the following programs.
Tribal Enrollment
This program maintains the tribal enrollment records and assists with applications becoming tribally enrolled.
Tribal Court
The Cheesh’na Tribal Court hold jurisdiction over all lands and waters customarily and traditionally used by the tribal community. Hearings are conducted in a culturally appropriate manner with a panel of judges, including at leas one tribal Elder. The court hears cases including but not limited to: child protection, termination of parental rights, tribal adoptions, child custody, domestic violence, protection for elders and vulnerable adults, and guardianship.
Education & Scholarships
The Education and Scholarship program offers assistance for tribal members in pursing higher education and career advancement. Applications are available in the tribal council office.
Burial Assistance
The Burial Assistance program helps with expenses related to burial and funeral expenses. Applications are available through the tribal council offices. A release of information form is required to be submitted with the application.
Emergency Assistance
The Emergency Assistance Program offers support of those facing emergency circumstances, we offer an array of services through our emergency assistance program. Assistance may be available for costs related to burnout, flood, or other destruction to the home. The program is intended to provide individuals and families with basic needs, including food, shelter, clothing and utilities.
Transportation/IRR Roads Program
The roads program was established to meet the transportation needs of the tribal community. The program supports planning, design, construction and maintenance activities.
Indian Environmental General Assistance Program
CTC provides the management of tribal environmental protection programs, development and implementation of solid and hazardous waste programs in accordance to tribal needs and applicable laws and regulations.
The ICWA program supports the tribe’s traditional value of family, honoring and sustaining health and happiness of the family first. The program also offers support for child protection, and preservation of family.
Health Wellness Services
Health and wellness services are provided through Mt. Sanford Tribal Consortium.